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Oil Change Tips: 7 Common Mistakes to Avoid

An oil change can stand out as a pivotal situation for your vehicle. Whether you take on the DIY path in car maintenance or find yourself in an emergency, oil changing is crucial. In those moments, you might end up committing mistakes in…

Check Out These 5 Best American Car Brands

There are tons of car brands around the globe. Many of the world's most common cars are produced in countries like Japan, Korea, and Germany. But in America, there's an almost even split between American-produced cars and foreign vehicles.…

4 Interesting Facts about California Traffic

The traffic in California is notably bad. A 2019 report found that the Los Angeles area and the San Francisco area were two of the worst areas for congestion in the United States. But, what else is there to know about California traffic?…

What Are the Common Types of Car Batteries?

A car battery needs to be replaced often -- at most, every four years. Considering that this is a regular automobile expense, it's wise to learn about the different types of car batteries so you can buy the best one. A cheap car battery…

Which RV? 9 of the Best RV Brands

Did you know that over 1 million Americans live in RVs full time? RVs are becoming increasingly popular across the country, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to rage on. You get a level of safety and comfort that you can't…