Why You Need Excellent Motorcycle Training


Nothing beats the thrill of cruising along the highway decked out in your motorcycle riding gear and enjoying the sun and wind as you ride. If you are keen on learning to ride a motorbike, London Motorcycle Training can help you.


Before you even start the motorcycle training, you need to meet certain conditions. First off, you should be able to ride a regular bicycle. You also need to be familiar with the Highway Code and you should be at least 17 years old but not older than 24 years. In addition, you should be able to operate a motorcycle before you start learning to ride one. In addition to all these requirements, you should have a valid UK Driver’s License. If you don’t have UK Driver’s License, an EU Driver’s License registered with the DVLA will do. In case your license is the old-fashioned paper license, you should verify it with a photo ID.

Once you have met these conditions, you can start training with a reputable motorcycle training organization.

Step 1: Book A CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) Course

You cannot legally operate any kind of motorcycle if you have not passed this test. This test costs £99-£129 and it is relatively easy to pass the test. This is the most convenient test for many drivers who have no motorcycle driving experience at all. You can complete this course on a 125cc motorized scooter. However, you should note that your certification would cover only motorized scooters if you take the test on these scooters.

Step 2: Pass The Motorcycle Theory Test

You have to take this written test at a DVSA centre. This test in not difficult so you have nothing to worry about. In any case, you can prepare for the test by looking at past examination questions on websites that offer these services. Just Google the words “Motorcycle Theory Practice” and you will get all the help you need.

Step 3: Book Two Days Of Practical Training

Now, we get to the fun part. London Motorcycle Training will charge you £175 per day. This covers fuel, helmet, insurance, VAT and glove rental. At this stage, you have the option to select the type of motorcycle license you want.

  1. A1 Light Motorcycle Licence – Minimum age of 17. With this license, you are allowed to operate small motorcycles and automatic scooters (125cc).
  2. A2 Restricted Licence – Minimum age of 19.

This license allows to operate any motorbike with less than 35Kw or 47bhp.

  1. Unrestricted ‘A’ Licence – Minimum age of 24.

With this license, you can drive any bike on planet earth.

The best thing about these tests is that if offers you flexibility. If you are not ready to proceed to the next level, there is no rush. Just take your time and you will pass all the tests in installments.

  1. Take The Practical Tests

You start with the Module 1 then you move on to the Module 2. The Module 1 comprises skills like swerving and emergency stops. This test costs just £15 but you will pay an additional £25 if you want an instructor to escort you.

The Module 2 is the practical test. This test costs £75 but if you need an escort, it will cost you £125.

The professionals at London Motorcycle Training will help you pass all these tests. Get in touch with them today and they will guide you to success.

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