Benefits of balance bikes


When your toddler starts growing up, you should ensure to offer them the best service. You can get them a balance bike in NZ to ensure that they are on their feet and have proper control over them. Balance bikes have become a trend which ensure that your kid not only receives treatment but gets proper assistance in balancing as well. This helps to improve the self-confidence in the child.

What is a balance bike?

A balance bike is the two-wheeled pedal fewer cycles that allows the toddlers aged 18-24 months to learn to balance on two wheels. After the proper training, the toddlers eventually learn to jump and ride the bike without taking any help or support from parents. While tricycles are just used for playing, balance bikes can be one effective addition as they learn to ride without any help.

Benefits of balance bike

Whenever you are getting a balance bike in NZ for your kids, you should consider all the factors necessary for buying it. However, a balance bike not only boosts up your kid’s confidence but also ensures that they get proper support and learn to be self-sufficient. Apart from these, some of the prominent benefits of balance bike include the following

Better Security

Compared to the general tricycles, balance bikes are a lot safer and practical. It is better than those training wheels too. Traditional tricycles are very slow and do not come with any added security which increases the risk of them tripping over any bumpy area. However, with a balance bike in NZ, the kid can have full balance without the need for focusing on pedaling. Therefore, their concentration from balancing isn’t a loss and the risk of falling is too less.


Balance bike training comes handy for the kids once they grow up. Kids who have learned to ride balance bikes in their toddler days can ride the pedal bikes without any extra help or training wheels. However, many kids still use the training wheels to learn to ride the pedal bikes at the age of six. If your kid is experienced in balance biking, they will easily be able to transition into the pedal bikes. You don’t need to assist them in writing; you can easily offer them the bike and watch them play around.


Most people consider that buying balance bikes in NZ are a waste of money. However, it is not, the balance bikes can be one effective solution for training your kids rather than buying two bicycles and training wheels. You can teach your kids to ride these at an effective rate and that too by spending less.

Family time

You can have a great family time with your kid. You will not need to tell them to go outside and play. Instead, they would go out and ask you to assist in the game. You can take your toddler out for a walk on the sidewalks with their balance bikes. It can be one great way to go and have fun with your child outdoors.

Balance bikes can be pretty effective. However, you just need to provide it to your child at the right age. There are several bikes available in the market, and thus, you can choose whatever you find is the most suitable for your child.

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